Boosting your wellness
Whatever your role or stage in life, feeling well is central to a healthy and happy life. Here, we’re going to provide you with the advice, tools and resources you need to empower you to achieve positive wellness in 2023 and beyond.
Starting your wellness journey
How is your health and wellbeing? We’re going to help you find the answer. Whether it’s improving your fitness, building your resilience, trying your hand at mindfulness or embracing a healthier diet, we’ll be exploring a wealth of ways in which small changes to your day-to-day lifestyle could pay big dividends for your health and wellbeing in the future.
We know it can be a journey of ups and downs, but we'll be with you every step of the way, empowering you to develop long-term strategies to aid your overall wellbeing.
Programmes and resources

Meet Gee Smith
Firefighter Gee Smith has gone above and beyond to spread the word about the importance of looking after your mental health, ever since receiving our support with his own. He now promotes positive wellbeing among his colleagues, having seen the difference it can make to your overall health.
Read Gee's story
Wellness workshops: what you thought
As part of our focus on wellness, we're continuing to deliver Wellness Coaching Workshops to Fire and Rescue Services across the country. And, many recipients have shared their feedback about how they've helped them boost their own wellbeing - both at work and at home.
Here's what some of them had to say