Am I a beneficiary?

Rehabilitation wellness walk
People from across the fire community are often unsure of their beneficiary status and whether they are eligible to receive support from Fire Fighters Charity. To simplify matters here is a brief overview of eligibility. If you’re still unsure, however, please contact the Support Line on 0800 389 8820.
Please note there is an lower age criteria for some services.
Beneficiaries of Fire Fighters Charity include:
- Fire and rescue service personnel (whole time, retained, uniformed and support)
- Former fire and rescue service personnel
- Works firefighters
- Employees of the Ministry of Defence Fire and Rescue Service
- Former works firefighters
- Those engaged on or assisting in the management or provision of a Fire Services Youth Scheme
- Eligible dependants of any person falling within the above
- Fire and rescue service chaplains or faith leaders
- Fire and rescue service volunteers
Please note: Each of these areas have qualifying criteria
Qualifying periods and application rules
If you believe you are eligible to receive support from the charity please call the Support Line on 0800 389 8820 and we can chat it all through with you.
Meet a beneficiary: Katie Love, Crew Manager