After seeing television footage of the terrible events in North Kensington in June, seven year old George Thornberry from Clitheroe, Lancashire decided to decorate some biscuits and set up a make-shift stall to raise some money for firefighters outside his back gate.

George’s mum, Hannah, said: “In the morning following the disaster, I had the television on and he was really concerned about the people who lived there and amazed by the firefighters attempting to put out the fire and their rescue efforts.

“The weekend following the fire we came downstairs to find him decorating biscuits to sell to passers-by in an attempt to raise some money for people who needed help following the fire there.”

George, who raised an amazing £120, also received extra donations from people who had not been able to visit his stall.

Hannah continued: “We were touched that people had gone out of their way to help and come back with more donations. George added his own pocket money to the funds raised and then said he’d like to take it round to the fire station.”

“As a fire service, we were overwhelmed when George attended the station and shared his thoughts on the Grenfell Tower tragedy.” Dave McGrath, Watch Manager 

George, who lives next to Clitheroe Fire Station, was invited in by Dave McGrath, Clitheroe Fire Station Watch Manager to meet the whole crew, after they had seen what he was doing.

Talking about why he decided to set up the stall, George said: “I saw the tower on fire on the TV and watched the firemen rescuing people and thought how brave they were, and started thinking about what I could do to help them.”

Dave McGrath commented: “As a fire service, we were overwhelmed when George attended the station and shared his thoughts on the Grenfell Tower tragedy.

“For such a young boy to share his thoughts and feelings about how it had affected him was quite emotional. And to raise money for The Fire Fighters Charity to thank those involved in the incident again shows what a special boy George really is. It gave us great pleasure in helping in his efforts.”

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