Notwithstanding the withdrawal of residential services to our beneficiaries, we also face the impact of a potentially substantial loss of fundraising income. There is, however during this time, real opportunity for the Charity to press ahead with providing support digitally and by telephone to our beneficiaries – we are open for business – we are just working differently.
We are fortunate that within the UKFRS we have an amazing beneficiary base, many of whom are working through this difficult time continuing to be there if and when we need them, we also have an innovative and entrepreneurial workforce, supported by some pretty amazing innovative and entrepreneurial volunteers; we can get through this challenge by all working together.
The speed of change is great; the senior leadership team are seeking to predict timelines, next steps in Government advice and necessary actions over the coming days and weeks. We are planning for the worst possible scenario, whilst hoping for the best.
I and my SLT colleagues are confident that we can continue to provide some support to our beneficiaries – albeit differently but equally effectively – during what we know will be a testing time. Inevitably we will learn lessons along the way, and we will revise our approach as necessary and in accordance with Government advice. I will of course, keep you informed as we progress through this time.
To you all I say this – thank you, your ongoing support and commitment to our Charity, it is truly appreciated. With your help and support, we will work through this challenging period and emerge refreshed, with new skills, innovations and new approaches to supporting our beneficiaries.
With social distancing as the norm, I wish you a safe and peaceful weekend.
Keep well and take care.
Jill Tolfrey CEO.