We’re pleased to announce that you can now access the Orcha library through the following link, where you can also find more information about how Orcha reviews and evaluates health apps.

Access Orcha Here

Please Note:

The individual app developers are solely responsible for the compliance and fitness for purpose of apps and content featured on the Orcha portal – this includes checking apps for data privacy compliance, clinical quality and user experience. Orcha is also the app reviewer used by the NHS.

The Fire Fighters Charity is not the creator, owner, editor, manager or provider of any of the featured apps (and any information and content contained therein) listed in this library.

Users must exercise their own skill and judgement when using these apps. The Fire Fighters Charity is not responsible or liable for any advice, services or products that users obtain through the use of the apps listed in this Library. The Fire Fighters Charity accepts no liability for any damage or loss howsoever caused, including damage and loss caused by (but not limited to) any errors, loss of data, inaccuracies or omissions in any information, advice, instructions or content. We also urge users to use their own judgement when deciding whether or not to pay for any app subscriptions or in app purchases.


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