Like many charities, Fire Fighters Charity has a subsidiary company – Fire Fighters Trading Ltd – that exists to generate funds on a commercial basis, with all profits raised supporting the work of the charity. Charity Commission regulations allow charities to set up and operate subsidiary companies when all profits from those companies are donated to the charity, and as long as the money is used for its charitable purposes.
The work of Fire Fighters Trading Ltd includes:

Blaze bear
Fire Fighters Trading Ltd runs and operates the merchandise shop that can be found on this website, as well as merchandise sales at the charity’s three centres.
Clothes Recycling
Fire Fighters Trading Ltd works in partnership with a number of clothes recycling companies across the UK to place recycling banks on fire station forecourts for the purposes of collecting donated clothing from the public. Please see our recycling page for more information.
Commercial Rehabilitation
Fire Fighters Trading Ltd engages with other search and rescue services and similar organisations across the UK, with a view to generating high value income for the charity through the sale of rehabilitation on a commercial basis. The charity designates a number of spaces on its rehabilitation programme for commercial clients, which help to fund the charity’s beneficiaries attending the same programmes. While access to its services are prioritised for beneficiaries, this scheme brings in vital income and cements strong working relationships with like minded organisations.

Take a break at Harcombe House
Holiday Rentals
Holiday rental opportunities are available at all three centres to Charity beneficiaries. Find more details here.