The Fire Fighters Charity is committed to providing a respectful and inclusive environment at all its residential centres.

We support individuals, couples and families with varying needs. Many have faced challenges with their physical or mental health, experienced loss or trauma, or been faced with significant life changes. Whatever their reason for attending, our centres provide a safe and supportive environment.

We expect all service users and visitors to comply with our code of conduct whilst resident on our site. This is your service, please respect others as you would wish to be respected.

The charity expects all Service Users and Visitors to:

  • Be polite and refrain from using threatening, intimidating, violent, disorderly, prejudicial or offensive behaviour towards others. This includes the use of abusive or unacceptable language
  • Respect the beliefs of others, religious, cultural and personal, and not engage in any form of discrimination
  • Show respect to others within the centre, service users, employees, volunteers and visitors
  • Not put yourself, other service users, visitors, employees or volunteers at risk of injury
  • Not engage with (or request others to engage with) any illegal, improper or inappropriate conduct
  • Not engage in the use of, or be adversely affected by, illegal drugs or alcohol whilst at the centre.
  • Keep noise at a reasonable level and be mindful of others who may be relaxing / resting.

Alcohol & Drugs

The charity has bars on site. The bars offer relaxing and social spaces for all our service users. If you choose to drink alcohol, please do so responsibly and drink in moderation. Alcohol may only be consumed in the bar and the bar outside seating areas whilst the bar is serving alcohol. Alcohol may not be consumed in any other communal areas.

Excessive drinking can impact on your health and can lead to alcohol-related aggression and abuse, which impacts on those around you. Drinking excessively will also restrict your ability to engage with our activity-based programme. Intoxicated behaviour will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave the centre.

We take a zero-tolerance policy towards the use of illegal drugs. If anyone is found to be supplying or using illegal drugs on our premises, it is our policy to report this to the police


We take a zero-tolerance approach to any and all incidents of violence and any form of abuse on our premises. Any person, exhibiting violent or abusive behaviour will be asked to leave the premises and may be precluded from accessing our services in the future.

In cases of violent behaviour, it is our policy to call the police.


We take a zero-tolerance approach to any and all forms of discrimination or harassment.

We will take any occurrence of discriminatory behaviour relating to the Protected Characteristics of the Equality Act 2010 seriously. Individuals displaying this behaviour will be asked to leave the premises and may be precluded from accessing our services in the future.

Data Protection and Confidentiality

The Fire Fighters Charity processes personal data in accordance with its Data Protection Policy. For full details of how the charity processes your data, please see our privacy policy here.

The Fire Fighters Charity has a confidentiality policy in place and will not disclose confidential information to a third party without consent, unless there is a risk of serious harm to others, or the charity is required to disclose information by law.