Work For Us
Here's where you'll find information on the latest vacancies at the Fire Fighters Charity, as well as our current volunteering opportunities.
Current VacanciesA word from our Chief Executive
Sherine Wheeler, Chief Executive, Fire Fighters Charity
Current Opportunities
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Inclusion is fundamental to ensuring everyone can be authentic in an inclusive environment. We will promote respect, inclusion, courageous communication, education, and wellbeing. Here, you'll learn about our commitments, values, journey so far, and hear the experiences from our team.
Our inclusion visionWho We Help
Dean Nelson was forced to retire from his job as a firefighter after a devastating accident left him with major injuries. Now, while he knows his condition will continue to deteriorate, he says we have helped him achieve a better way of life. He is just one example of the life-changing difference our support can make for those in need in our fire and rescue services community.
More stories
Volunteer for the Fire Fighters Charity
If the incredible acts of bravery and compassion of the fire and rescue community has inspired you to volunteer with us, the Fire Fighters Charity have a variety of opportunities to complement your talents and passion. In addition to the skills for each role, we require a commitment to upholding our values and the desire to contribute to the achievement of our goals.
Volunteer Opportunities