Like all families, the UK’s fire family sticks together, there for each other through life’s ups and downs, never failing to pull together when times are tough. As we enter our 80th year in 2023, we’d like to thank you for being there for us, helping us to ensure that we can continue to provide that shoulder for you to lean on if and when you need it.

This winter, we know that times are tough. The cost of living has meant that there’s more demand than ever on every pound in your pocket. However, we’d like to ask you to do something wonderful this winter and to give what you can, when you can to help those members of our fire family struggling with their health and wellbeing, like Dean:

Just as you have been doing since 1943, we need your support today, so that we can do what we do tomorrow.

With a host of new online and face-to-face services for fire and rescue service employees, families and the retired community, we’re doing more for more people across our community – and there’s so much more we want to do too.

Please, if you can, set up a regular donation today.

Become a regular donor

Need a rest and recharge?

Here at The Fire Fighters Charity, we are developing our services to ensure we can offer anyone who may need some time out from the challenges of day-to-day life – no matter their age or stage in life – a break away and a chance to rest and recharge.

Find out more

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