Keeping moving with regular exercise or even some small stretches is so important when it comes to our overall mental wellbeing – and it’s particularly important at this time of year, when things can feel like they’re getting on top of you.

Now, as we continue our #healthyjoints programme, we’ve shared a series of exercise tutorials, videos and advice pieces to ensure you’re not only taking care of your joints and musculoskeletal health, but also boosting your overall wellbeing.

You can find all of our exclusive content on MyFFC by registering below and joining our Healthy Joints Group, or by searching for #healthyjoints.

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Here are some of the highlights from week three:

We published the second in our series of exercise tutorials, this time focusing on ways you can work your joints and muscles across your body using rubber bands. If you don’t have access to one, it’s worth keeping in mind some of the moves for when you’re at a gym – and they’re also available online if you wish to try them at home.

You can see a trailer for the exercise video below, or click here to watch the whole tutorial.

Elsewhere, our Exercise Therapist, Craig Williamson, demonstrated a series of stretches to maintain and increase overall range of movement – including a pelvic tilt (both sitting and standing), knee rolls, back extensions and a child’s pose stretch. You can watch those by clicking below:

Simple back exercises and stretches

And our Wellness and Behaviour Change Coach, Sally Walker, discussed how positivity can change your experience of joints surgery, both before and after your operation, with some tips to consider throughout your experience. You can read her advice here.

Keep an eye on our Healthy Joints Hub on the website too, where you’ll find all the links to the content in MyFFC:

Healthy Joints Hub

Remember: you can keep up with all the latest updates, content and videos in our joints campaign by joining our Healthy Joints Group in MyFFC or searching for #HealthyJoints and following the topic. Anything new will appear there and you’ll also be updated when anything is added.

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