Reset Programme

Our Reset Programme offers you the opportunity to develop and improve your resilience and overall mental fitness, with a programme of workshops and activities tailored to your individual needs.

Could we help you?

• Do you feel stressed or anxious… is this starting to affect your overall wellbeing?
• Are you living with a long-term health condition that’s impacting on your wellbeing?
• Are you struggling to get a good night’s sleep? Are you irritable and unable to cope due to fatigue?
• Are you struggling with chronic pain that is stopping you living the life you want to lead?

Reach out as early as possible

With one in five members of the fire service rating their mental health as poor or very poor, and 65% stating that it has got worse since the start of the pandemic, it is hugely important that you address any concerns you have as early as possible. And we're here to help you do just that.

Early intervention is essential to support future good mental health. Our Reset Programme offers you the opportunity to develop your mental fitness and wellbeing, equipping you with the skills, knowledge and confidence to manage challenges you may be facing.

What to expect

Our Reset Programme is tailored to meet your individual needs, helping you to build resilience and ultimately move forwards positively with your life...

Merrick's story

Merrick Josephs, who works in LFB’s Firefighter Development Team, attended our Reset Programme following a family bereavement. Here he shares how it helped him.