As we near the end of our #HealthyJoints programme, we’ve introduced a final few exercise videos for you to try at home this week – no matter what stage you’re at in your journey.

We also took a closer look at the importance of pacing yourself, to ultimately ensure you don’t worsen the condition you’re living with.

You can find all of our exclusive content on MyFFC by registering below and joining our Healthy Joints Group, or by searching for #healthyjoints.

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Here are some of the highlights from week 11:

If your movement is restricted, or you’re in a wheelchair, there are so many exercises you can try at home to keep your muscles working. Our nurse, Sharon McNaughton, demonstrated a few chair-based exercises and stretches you can try at home to promote overall movement and help you on your #healthyjoints journey.

Watch the full video

We also shared the sixth and final home workout video for you to try, this time focusing on exercises you can have a go at in a pool near you. Watch the trailer here, or click on the button to watch the full video:

Watch the full video

And with these exercises in mind, we looked at why it’s so important to pace yourself. You can read the full article here:

Why is pacing yourself so important?

Finally, we shared Derbyshire firefighter Mark’s story of how he was helped with his own joint issues.

Mark has been supported by us twice in his career, following injuries to his hip and back, and later his shoulder, and it’s all thanks to your ongoing donations. He says: “Without a doubt this has made me realise how important it is to look after your joints and muscles.

“I’d advise anyone to get in touch if you feel you’d benefit from support – whether it’s yourself or your family that are eligible, the facilities here are fantastic, they’re second to none.

“They look after you really well and you get a really good assessment of your injury, so you can go back with a plan to get yourself as best as you can.”

Read Mark’s story

Keep checking our Healthy Joints Hub on the website too, where you’ll find all the links to the content in MyFFC:

Healthy Joints Hub

Remember: you can keep up with all the latest updates, content and videos in our joints campaign by joining our Healthy Joints Group in MyFFC or searching for #HealthyJoints and following the topic. Anything new will appear there and you’ll also be updated when anything is added.

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