Merrick: “Anyone thinking about getting in touch, take it from this firefighter – it was really helpful”
Merrick Josephs, who works in LFB’s Firefighter Development Team, attended our Reset Programme following a family bereavement.
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Merrick Josephs, who works in LFB’s Firefighter Development Team, attended our Reset Programme following a family bereavement. Retired firefighter, Ken Brown, suffered a stroke in 2010 which left him with limited mobility. Here, he shares how our nursing team at Jubilee House helped him build the strength to walk again. Kristi Burling visited Marine Court on our rehab programme after an injury meant she had to come off the run from her on-call role. Here, she shares how we helped her build her confidence again. Scottish firefighter Dan Cook visited Jubilee House, our centre in Penrith, earlier this year after injuring his leg – and says the support he received helped him get back on the run. On-call firefighter Iwan Ward and his family received our support when he went through a difficult time following some traumatic shouts. Here, he and his wife Anita share how we helped all of them – remotely and at Harcombe House.
Merrick: “Anyone thinking about getting in touch, take it from this firefighter – it was really helpful”
Ken: “I wouldn’t be where I am today without the nursing team”
Kristi: “Your rehabilitation team is helping me get back on the run as an on-call firefighter”
Dan: “Everything was dialled down to my individual needs… I just didn’t expect that”
Iwan: “I knew, while I might be okay at first, I didn’t know what I’d be like in 15-20 years”