Jon: “Your support was life-saving – I literally didn’t have food to put on the table”
West Yorkshire Crew Manager, Jon Arey, received support and guidance from us when he moved house with his daughter and faced financial challenges.
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West Yorkshire Crew Manager, Jon Arey, received support and guidance from us when he moved house with his daughter and faced financial challenges. Surbjit Ghuman, who’s married to an IT Support Officer with West Midlands FRS, attended our Women’s Wellbeing Week and made lifelong friendships – while boosting her overall wellbeing. Gill Crow’s dad was an on-call firefighter and she went on to work in Control herself for 24 years, so always knew about our charity. However, she says she never expected the support on offer to both of them in retirement. Sam Metalli-Haward’s family have been supported by our Welfare team after their son, MJ, was diagnosed with autism and ADHD. They attended a Child and Family Week and sought advice on accessing a therapy dog. Ross Allen is taking on the 2023 London Marathon in aid of us after his best friend was left needing 24-hour care. We’ve supported his family in the years since, and this is Ross’ way of saying thank you.
Jon: “Your support was life-saving – I literally didn’t have food to put on the table”
Surbjit: “I was fearful of the unknown, but I’m so glad I broke that barrier”
Gill: “I knew about the charity but never thought it applied to me – I couldn’t believe the support”
Sam: “With your help our son’s differences were embraced rather than seen as a challenge”
Ross: “I promised my friend I’d look after his family – fundraising for you is one way of doing that”