Ten random acts of kindness
We’ve shared 10 ways you could practice kindness – and self-kindness – today and every day.
We’ve shared 10 ways you could practice kindness – and self-kindness – today and every day. Keeping on top of your finances can often feel like a struggle, but sharing with those closest to you on a regular basis can make a huge difference. Our Welfare Services Lead, Carrie Pearce, has shared information, support and tips around caring for someone living with Alzheimer’s. We are running a virtual quiz and meet-up for our wonderful carers community on 6 June at 3pm. Can you join? Are you feeling the pinch more than usual at the…
Ten random acts of kindness
Share the burden: Tips to talk about money
Tips for caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease
Are you a carer? Join us for an online quiz this Carers Week
Financial support: try Payplan’s budgeting tool